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Balance for a healthy mind and body

Nutrition and brain health

Why balance is important for your health?

  • Improved balance increases coordination and strength, allowing you to move better.

  • Enhancing stability, mobility, and flexibility makes it easier to perform your daily tasks.

  • It also improves your athletic performance. Focusing on your balance may also help you to focus and clear your mind.

  • Balance exercises work your core muscles, including the lower back, and legs. Lower-body strength-training exercises can also help improve your balance.

  • While balance exercises can be challenging at times, consistency will make them exercises easier. Gradually increase the number of repetitions as the exercises become easier.

  • You can modify the exercises to increase or decrease the difficulty or adjust for your needs. Start on your nondominant side so that the second side is easier. You can do your nondominant side twice if you want to balance out your body between both sides. Once you get comfortable with the exercises, try doing them with one or both eyes closed.

  • Improved balance makes daily activities, such as walking on stairs, carrying heavy items, and suddenly changing directions, easier. A strong, stable base will allow you to move with more coordination, ease, and fluidity. You’ll also gain stronger and more enhanced movement during athletic activities.

  • Developing good balance helps to improve your overall health and fitness levels. These improvements help to prevent the risk of injury and falls, especially in older adults. This allows you to maintain your independence longer.

  • Remain aware of your posture and stability throughout the day. Notice if you’re yielding your weight evenly on both feet and work to root your weight into your feet.

  • You can also pay attention to whether you tend to have your body weight forward or backward in space. Try to bring your body into proper alignment. Notice how you generally lose your balance and make the appropriate corrections in your body.


  • Having the intention to improve your balance can be as challenging as it is rewarding. Remember that your balance can vary daily. Enjoy the process, notice the variations, and have fun with it. You can do balance exercises throughout the day and find creative ways to incorporate them into your daily life.

  • Balance exercises are appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.

*Disclaimer: For informational purposes only. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts, based on my personal research as a Healthy lifestyle coach. Use it at your own discretion.