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Citrus fruits

Cooking oils

Here are some health benefits of citrus fruits:

  • rich in vitamins and minerals, like vitamin C - crucial for immune and skin health, vitamin B, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and copper - these help your body function properly and rich in plant compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

  • great source of soluble fiber which helps digestion, supporting a healthy weight

  • low in calories, but their water and fiber content helps feel full, making them a smart choice for those who want to loose or maintain a healthy weight

  • protect against cancer and other illnesses due to their flavonoid content, acting as an antioxidant

  • the soluble fibre and flavonoids can benefit heart health by improving cholesterol levels: raising HDL and lowering LDL levels

  • help boost brain function due to the anti-inflammatory capabilities of the flavonoids they contain

Enjoy these yummy fruits and have a healthy, happy day!

**Disclaimer: For informational purposes only. All opinions expressed are my own personal thoughts, based on my personal research as a Healthy lifestyle coach. Use it at your own discretion.