Your Happiness Unlocked
Happiness lies within You.
Health and Happiness
The myth about happiness is that it has to come from outside.You can argue with yourself that you have to be successful or lose weight or have more money or have time to be happy. But the truth is that you have to look within yourself. When you are HAPPY, you will be successful.
Circumstances only make up 10% of your happiness set-point. 50% is your genetics and 40% is your habits.The 50% of our genetics can also be influenced by our thoughts, habits.This means that 90% of our happiness set-point can be influenced by our habits. We can take charge of our happiness. So there’s a good chance for you to increase your happiness by changing your habits. Best way to do that is to set your intention, write it down and act on it.
Your Happiness Set-Point
You can also visualize your happiness as a home with 7 pillars: relationships, responsibility, mind, heart, body and soul and finally your purpose in life. Each piece complements the other and helps it hold together.
The 7 pillars of your Home for Happiness
A healthier body is a happier one. You can focus on the 3 pillars of your body to make it healthier: sleep, nutrition and exercise. Never underestimate the power of a good night sleep, have a healthy lifestyle that incorporates nutritious food and regular fitness activities that make your body and your heart HAPPY. They are all vital for your overall health and happiness.
The 3 Pillars of Body Health for Happiness